Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Ruby on Rails Introduction

Now trend of developers is moving to Ruby on Rails, what is reason behind that? Big reason behind that is Ruby on Rails is an open source Web framework.With the spport the of agile development techniques  and philosophy of "convention over configuration,". It has attracted many developers to reduce the time and pain involved in developming web application. Rails emerged from the open source until you have to use MySQL or PostgreSQL to work with rails.Now it is possible to develope good application on top of your existing DB2 database investment,because IBM has released a DB2 adapter for Rails.

Rails Coach Podcast Video

Ruby on Rails Routing - Rails Coach Podcast by teachmetocode

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Advanced technology 2014 in India

Only India can do this, Very funny advanced tehnology introdued by India. Hahahahahaha lolz
Advanced TechnologY Funny Videos by kingkhanrokxx